Thursday 12 November 2020


 -The long shot at 1.50 shows the animals in a circle and doing a ceremony and making a weird noise.  This starts to build tension due to everyone not knowing or understanding what they are doing. This also makes the consumer slightly uneasy as the sound the animals are making is disturbing and it sounds a bit satanic.

- The close up at 2.19 shows the animal, formerly peaceful, turn rouge due to the call/sound they were making in their ceremony. This is a tense moment as the animals were peaceful beforehand and they then turned evil and they may attack the civilians. The consumer feels on edge as they aren't sure what the animals will do next.

There is handheld camera movement from 2.18-2.20 which shows the animals walking around with some orb in their hands which they use to attack people with. There is also a fire there whixh shows they are causing  havoc. The director chose camera movement as when there are serious attacks in real life, people usually records it to show what happened there and as the camera is shaky it could show that they are scared as they are shaking.

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