Sunday 8 November 2020


 1)What do each of the letters in CLAMPS stand for?



Actor placement and movement

Make up 



2) What TV genre is Stranger Things? You can use the IMDB website to help you with this. 

3) Choose THREE aspects of mise-en-scene (e.g. costume, lighting, setting) and write a short paragraph for each about the denotation and connotation in the opening 8 minutes of Stranger Things. What is being communicated to the audience? How does the mise-en-scene help to communicate the genre of Stranger Things?

Lighting- The lighting is this clip is very dark as it night time. This helps with the fantasy/thriller as you cant see much in the dark and the dark has connotations of danger. This also creates a eerie atmosphere as you cant see much, so you dont know what to expect. The audience feel very tense as they don't know what to expect.

Setting- The opening scene takes place in some sort of testing lab due to the persons lab jacket. This gives a tense feeling to the scene as they could've been testing something and it went wrong. The second setting is a young boys home, where him and his friends are playing some sort of board game.

Actor movement and placement- The scientist was sprinting to the lift and was spamming the button, which often has connotations of urgency and desperation. Also, he was sweating when he looked up which shows his nervousness, and fear from whatever was chasing him.

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