Thursday 3 February 2022


 1) Write the definition of the following key language for newspaper front pages (you may want to add an example for each from our Daily Mirror CSP):

Masthead: Name of NP
Pug:catchs readers eye
Splash Head: Lead story
Slogan: Summary of newspaper purpose
Dateline:Date of publish
Kicker:Short chatchy phrase
Byline:Journalist name
Standfirst:Intro paragraph

2) How much does a copy of the Daily Mirror cost? (Note: the current cost is different to the CSP edition - I recommend learning both).
90p, CSP verion is 80p
3) What are the main stories on the CSP edition of the Daily Mirror (see above)? Make sure you learn the headline and what the stories are about.
4) Why is the choice of news stories on the Mirror CSP front page typical of a tabloid newspaper?
its got some hard news but also soft news with Royalty and James bond on the front
5) What is the balance on the Daily Mirror front page between images, headlines and text?
There are alot more images as its for a less educated audience


1) What is the target audience for the Daily Mirror?
working class
2) Why does the Mirror front page story appeal to the Daily Mirror audience?

3) Why might a reader enjoy the Daily Mirror? Use Blumler & Katz Uses and Gratifications theory to add detail to your answer.
Escapism and learning
4) Why are print newspapers generally read by older audiences?
as newspapers are Traditional media
5) How is the 'Wills and Harry royal rift' story on the double page spread constructed to appeal to Daily Mirror readers? 
Its made for entertainment and its soft news

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